Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Blessed is SHE

I found this verse a few months ago while on a Pinterest binge.  Don't judge me you know we all have those nights when you can't fall asleep so you obsessively stroll through Pinterest, pinning everything under the sky, because who knows one day you may need to know how to use a Ziploc bag as an iPad holder.  Any ways back to the verse.  I have been a Christian for 17 years now, and I have been in church my entire life.  How is this the first time that I have read this verse? I never remember learning this in Sunday School, bible study or even in discipleship classes.  Maybe because if I read it before I would have disregarded it, as one of those verses that are over used to the point that we disrespect the beauty behind them, like John 3:16 or Philippians 4:13.  Or maybe I heard it and it just didn't appeal to my life at that time.  Well for whatever reason, I stopped mid binge when I saw this verse.

I knew a few months after I accepted Christ, that I was called in to ministry of some sort. And when I was 16, I knew that youth ministry was where my heart was.  However I continually run from that call, I get distracted by the things of this world, rather it is success, lack of faith, and sometimes down right selfishness.  For many years I have felt like I take two steps forward in life, only to take 10 steps back.  I forget about the support that God has placed around me, and forget that he wants me to remain faithful through trials. I forget what God says in Deuteronomy 31:6 that He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Most importantly I forget that God's ways are higher, and his thoughts are higher, so I may not understand what's going on but I still shouldn't loose faith.

Every now in then God gives us little reminders.  We just have to get our SELF out of the way, and let Him do his thing. I believe that this verse was a reminder for me, he knew the trials I was headed into and he knew that I needed a word from him.

My challenge for everyone is that no matter what is going on in your life, remember the promises that God has promised to fulfill in you.  Your situation may not seem like God favors you, but remember he is never there to hurt you, he is only love you to fullness.


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